Road Church
World missions have been at the heart of Westerly Road Church from its inception. The church supports 37 individuals or couples, 4 local outreaches and one people-group project. These missionaries share the Good News about Jesus Christ worldwide and locally and are involved in establishing new churches, assisting national churches in growth and ministry, teaching in seminaries and Bible colleges, ministry to cults, medical work, Bible translation, radio ministry, and outreach to high school and university students.
Missionaries supported by WRC
Baka People & World Team, Cameroon
Greg and Sharon Brobst, Kenya, Africa Inland Mission
Ted and Dana Witmer, Kenya, UFM International
Southeast Asia
Walt and Diane Kennedy, Irian Jaya, The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Larry and Alma Oline, Japan, The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Bob and Kay Shade, Japan, The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Central Asia
Phil and Barb, PCA – Missions to the World
K, Christar
Bob and Patty Mendelsohn, Jews for Jesus
Eastern Europe
Scott and Lisa Gill, Bulgaria, Campus Crusade for Christ
Suthy and Rodina MacLean, Ukraine, Fellowship International Mission
John White, Ukraine, CBInternational
Western Europe
Jack and Pat Barentsen, Netherlands, Biblical Ministries Worldwide
Richard and Lenore Brown, United Kingdom
Henry and Alice Bryant, France, UFM International
Ron and Rosa Fisher, Italy/France, UFM International
Ron and Hildegard Furst, Luxembourg, Biblical Ministries Worldwide
Shirley Hinkson, England, Campus Crusade for Christ
Bill and Ruth Ann Lewis, France, Campus Crusade for Christ
Woody and Sue Lewis, France, UFM International
Lynn and Karen McAdam, Germany, OC International
South America
Sergio and Marcia Nascimento, Brazil, UFM International
Dave and Jeanette Smith, Brazil, Word of Life
Doug and Audrey Smith, Institute of Latin American Studies
North America
Campus Ministries
Agape Christian Fellowship, Princeton University
Matt Coburn, Cornell University & Ithaca College, Campus Crusade for Christ
Brian Fields, Campus Crusade for Christ
Jon and Anita Hinkson, Yale University, Campus Crusade for Christ
Dick Kocses, Navigators, The College of New Jersey
Manna Christian Fellowship, Princeton University
Princeton Evangelical Fellowship, Princeton University
Support Ministries
Brom and Betty Cowser, USA, World Reach
Ted and Peggy Fletcher, Florida, Pioneers
Jack and Darlene Largent, Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Abe and Joyce Wiebe, Arab World Ministries
Marc Young, International Teams
Tim and Cindy Zulker, The Philip Center
Youth & Family Ministries
Alpha Pregnancy Center
Mercer Christian Academy
John Schleh, Philadelphia, Teen Haven
John & Jude Tiersma Watson, InnerChange
International Students
John & Aruna Desai, International Students Inc.
Bob and Susie Lawton, Baltimore area, Fellowship International Mission
Jim and Jean Montgomery, Florida, UFM International
This page revised February 23, 1998. See Site Information.