WRC Adult

At Westerly Road Church we have many different opportunities for groups of adults to gather together to build community and provide support for each other. Although these groups have various names and emphases, they perform the same basic functions of Bible study / prayer, building relationships, and performing tasks / ministry.
These activities are the three priorities of any group that strives to help us remain “in Christ.” While each group may emphasize one activity over another, a fruitful “group” incorporates all three priorities. Our goal is to have every adult participate in a “group” to assist you in your own relationship with Christ and to encourage you to help others bear fruit in their faith.
See the Calendar page for information on current topics of classes. For further information, contact the church office.
Sunday Groups

- Adult Sunday School Class provides a forum for adults to build their faith through serious inquiry, devotion and study of the scriptures and related topics. It meets Sundays at 9:30 am in the back of the fellowship hall.
- School of Discipleship provides a set of core classes designed to develop believers into mature disciples, with topics such as the foundations of Christian theology. It meets Sundays at 9:30 am in the church library.
- Newcomers Class is an occasional series designed for adults who want to learn more about Westerly Road Church’s history, vision, missions and church membership. It meets for three Sundays. Contact the church office if you are interested in attending this series next time it is held.
Fellowship Groups
A number of Fellowship Groups meet in homes around the greater Princeton area or at the church. They vary in focus. Contact the church office for details about the specific groups and about joining a group.
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Women’s Groups
- Morning Bible Study: meets on Tuesdays from 9:15 – 11:45 am at the church. It includes small groups which meet from 11:00 – 11:45 am.
- Community Bible Study meets on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 8:45.
- Monthly Fellowship Dinner usually meets the 4th Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise indicated on the Calendar page) at 6:30 pm at an area restaurant. It focuses on informal fellowship and the sharing of prayer requests.
- Heart-to-Heart Ministry, a year-long supportive relationship between older and younger women, encourages and strengthens deeper friendships. It meets in individual homes or other meeting places and the day and time is determined by the parties involved.
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Men’s Groups
- FOCUS Focus is now twice a month – Meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. All meetings start at 7:30am with donuts/coffee and a fellowship/community time until 8:00am, teaching until 8:30am and discussion/prayer/mutual support until 9:15. stands for:
Faithful | to God, our Families, our Church, and other Men |
Obedient | to the Word of God and His leading |
Committed | to the Biblical tasks at hand |
United | to each other in Christ |
Servant | leadership and attitude |
The group seeks to teach the Bible; to master the basics of the Word and build desire for the deeper things of God; to build relationships with God and with other men, holding one another accountable and encouraging one another; and to reach Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey and the world with the gospel.
FOCUS holds breakfast meetings twice a month, Saturday mornings at 7:30. The meetings consist of a lesson and discussion, a time of reverence for God, time of asking God to turn our hearts to him and to intervene in our lives, and time for interaction with other men — along with breakfast. In addition, the men share scripture, encouragement, reminders and prayer requests via e-mail, and they are planning semi-annual retreats.
Other Groups
- Adult Choir: for those interested in singing and worshiping. Rehearsals are held most Sundays from 5:00 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. The first Sunday of the month, rehearsals are held at 1:00 pm, after the monthly fellowship lunch. The choir sings in both morning worship services most weeks except during the summer.
- Cinema Discussion Group The Westerly Road Monthly Cinema Discussion Group meets one Friday out of every month from September through June. You can find a schedule of films for the year in the WRC Calendar page.The standard Christian response to film has been to filter out those things in films we do not like, and be happy with (or permit ourselves to enjoy) those things in a movie that ‘feel’ Christian. But like Jesus with the woman at the well, the Westerly Road Monthly Cinema Discussion Group tries to fully enter the world of the film (and the worldview of the filmmakers) to understand the assumptions made by the characters and the story. We will seek to find points of contact with these worldviews and rather than filter out and retreat, we will discuss, engage and respond to these views on a deeper level.Because the CDG may have unbelievers in attendance and uses film as a point of contact for building community and ultimately discussion of the Christian worldview, we a) are careful to use a “common” language, and therefore avoid as much as possible Christian tribal language, and b) seek to stick with the film and its message as our point of discussion (what the film is saying) until the end of the evening. It is then that our personal response and Christian perspective may come to the forefront (what we have to say about the film).There is an apologetic and evangelistic element to this group, in addition to building a better and more credible critique among our own Christian community at Westerly of the non-Christian world presented in these movies. Nevertheless, there is not a formal gospel presentation at each screening. Instead, we seek to share our faith by presenting our own unique and redemptive Christian perspective which is entirely bathed in the gospel. Naturally, we hope to present one-to-one with our visitors the origin of our worldview, which is the revelation of Jesus Christ. And indeed as relationships develop, we like to invite our unbelieving guests to accept Christ and into the Westerly Road Church community.We understand that not all Christians enjoy, appreciate, or go to films. We do not encourage them to violate their conscience. Indeed there may occasionally be films in our series that contain material considered inappropriate by some. It is not our goal to screen these films because of this content or to titillate. Rather, these movies have been chosen for the popularity of the worldviews they present, or the impact they have on the culture that many of us as Christians must ultimately engage. The leaders do their best to notify participants in advance of such content. We believe that by screening these films in community, we will be better equipped to critique and respond to the world, more adequately present a Christian response, and open up communication with unbelievers about deeply significant issues.
- Revival Prayer Meeting is made up of a group of prayer warriors who meet each Saturday at 8:00 am in the church library to pray for revival in Princeton and the Princeton area.
This page revised February 23, 1998. See Site Information.